Golf is All in Your Head

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to drive a golf ball as easily as you drive a car? To know exactly which direction to go and know that you absolutely have the power to do so? Well,Golf is All in Your Head Articles actually you CAN do that. And it is really quite simple.  What’s the catch, you say?

Well, no catch, but there are three requirements:  You must have an open mind, understand the power of your subconscious, and trust the fact that your golf game is all in your head.

The subconscious mind, which is 88% of our mental capacity, drives all our behavior.   The conscious mind, which is only 12%, houses all our logic, reasoning, decision-making skills, and willpower.  As you can easily see, the bulk of our power comes from our subconscious.  The good news is that this massive storehouse of power is easily manipulated by our conscious mind. The even better news is that we can align both these storehouses so that we have 100% of our power supporting us in attaining our goals. Think of it like this:  the 오피 순천 subconscious is a machine…just like your car or your computer.  Both are powerful machines, but they are really just useless heaps of metal without an effective driver or operator.  The conscious mind is the driver, or the “brain” and the subconscious is the “brawn,” which is extremely obedient.  It indiscriminately follows any order it is given, like a willing slave.  Does your car care whether you drive to New York, or Chicago?   Of course not.  So, you have a choice:  you can drive or be driven. You can allow your subconscious to keep driving you the way it has always driven you, or you can take the wheel and command it to drive in a new direction.

The subconscious is a collection of all the experiences, information, and perceptions we have filed away in there for future reference. Left to its own devices, it will continue to drive your behavior with all your deep-seated beliefs like “I’m a handicap golfer” or “I could never be scratch.” The subconscious figures that if you haven’t given it another command, you’re happy with these.   Remember, this is not your intelligence!   So, it is up to you to use your intelligence and reprogram your subconscious with new, powerful, positive beliefs, such as “I’m becoming the golfer I’ve always wanted to be” or “My long drive soars over the green like a bird in flight.” With time and repetition, your subconscious will manifest those statements as reality for you.

Note that the subconscious does not process negatives; it only responds to action words and commands.  Therefore, you must focus on what you DO want, not on what you DON’T want, because your subconscious will deliver whatever it’s told.  Do you want a clean shot into the 9th hole…or into the sand?  It is immaterial to your subconscious mind (and your car and your golf clubs!) if you are a handicap golfer or a scratch.

A baby enters the world as a completely open conduit of love, acceptance, trust, and joy. Barring any predisposed physiological conditions or addictions, the infant has no desire for self-defeating thoughts or habits.  It never enters the infant’s mind that its every desire cannot be met.  Alas, we learn to lose. We learn to lower our expectations and to sabotage ourselves, and then come to believe that we deserve less or none at all.  A baby has no desire for a cigarette, self-deprecation, or landing a long drive in a lake.